Friday, February 28, 2014

Removing deleted files from git

If you have accidentally added huge binary files in a repo and you want to remove them, use the following git command:
Thanks fly to Sam Watkins for sharing this.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Relative deploy locations for visual studio 2012+

Working with team foundation server, you may end up having various publish profiles to publish various configurations. You can specify relative paths in the local folder location by adding something like the following:
Watch out that the $(MSBuildProjectDirectory) points to the folder that contains the pubxml file, so it points to \Properties\PublishProfiles folder. So, the 3 back in the path, end up in the solution folder (if there is one).

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Visual studio 2013 evaluate expression problem

While debugging in vs 2013, you may run into the issue of the quick watch not evaluating the expressions while debugging. Try enabling Managed Compatibility mode by going to
Options --> Debugging --> General --> Use Managed Compatibility Mode
Note that this happened while debugging wcf services under windows 7 and never occurred on my machine running windows 8.1, but I may have been lucky.
Hope this save you some time and also check this blog post for more weird debug issues